As most of you already know. I am very sick again. The same as the other two times. My testsresults came back the other day. I already knew that it was not going to be good news. Not looking good, exactly the same as before. Don't know what to say except that this is not good. Not good at all and it sucks in soooo many ways.
I am staying at home though, I do not want to be put in hospital again thank you very much. I'm better off at home. I haven't taken any painkillers yet even though the pain is pretty darn bad, just my normal pills & tomorrow I'm backon prednisol and the other day I got some for my nausea. I've been puking and feeling like I am gonna puke since saturday. It's driving me nuts.
I am soooo extremely tired, I wouldn't mind sleeping all day! Sleep sleep sleeeeep. But I try not to take more than one nap a day and stay up as much as I can. I try to keep myself busy, seeing friends etc. But sometimes my energylevel is 0.
Thanks for all your caring messages and kind words. Right now I am struggeling and everything sucks. Just when I was getting back on track with everything, working-out, going out, doing things I normaly do and just being a few weeks from going back to work. I'm trying to stay positive but it's hard, knowing what the next couple of months are going to consists of.
Love Jo
Tanker pa dig stumpan! Kampa pa! Massa kramar!