torsdag 16 februari 2012


Mum dropped me off at my apartment this morning with a heavy bag of grocerys from last night and Pix of course. Put away my grocerys, had a cup of tea & a sandwich then I had to put away some laundry & shopping.  After that I had a little cuddle with mini. Everyday she sleeps until lunch time when it's time for a nice walk. After lunch I need to do some hoovering and cleaning. I like keeping my new home very clean and dustfree. It's been going well so far. Even though I am totally beat after 1hour of cleaning. Oh well ...

Btw. what the heck is going on with this weather? Got tunns of snow the other night and it was minus 1 degrees yesterday and then it went down to about - 3. This morning it is - 11? WHAT? Burrrrr. I don't mind the cold at all but when it keeps changing like this, so annoying. 

Valentines day I spent at the hospital and then at home trying to eat after not eating a single thing for 1,5days. Anna stopped by for a little while just as I got home. Always nice with some company. But then I got really tired as I didn't sleep anything the night before and after being sedated at the hospital I was feeling a bit woozy.

 As I have spent the last couple of years without a Valentines Date, not that it's been an important day to me anyways this year wasn't any different. Spent the night in front of the TV with mum & Pix with a sore tummy. Today my tummy is hurting but I'm going to eat a yummi lunch, Tacos. Tiny tortilla wraps with minched meat and veggies.

I can't believe this week is almost over ...

Love Jo

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